Blue Desert Disco
A New Arcade Experience
Blue Desert Disco is a homemade 2-3 player fighting game in which each gamer has their own custom 3D print controller paired with a specific character in the game. Each character has their own unique “weapon” that reflects on their corresponding controller. Their speed and strengths also vary from each other. The controllers are identical in their overall shape but different in the reflective device/components of the characters’ abilities. The players have to adapt to the controller and figure out their own way to play quickly, and meanwhile, defeats the other players. The winner, of course, has the dance floor all to herself/himself.
Game Design & Development: Dan Ran
Physical Computing, Hardware Design & Modeling: Ran Zhou
Physical Computing & Hardware Development: Yunfei Song
3D Character Design & Modeling: Andy Tai
2019.12.06 - 12.07 ENTER PLAYMODE, Wonderville, 1186 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11221
Professors: Kyle Li, Henry Lam
2019. 12